Sri Lanka and Israel

Strengthening the bond

Israel Sri Lanka Solidarity Movement(ISSOM) is a People's Movement that seeks to garner and awaken the support of the silent majority that form approximately 75-80 percent of the Sri Lankan population, to stand in support of Israel. We relentlessly spread the truth of Israel, using every tool of advocacy to rebut the biased Global Narrative spread through popular media, that results in defaming misinformation against Israel. We vociferously defend Israel as the only Practicing Democracy in the Middle East.

Innovating for a Better Tomorrow

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Education Sector

It is the belief of the Israel Sri Lanka Solidarity Movement, that the education system of our country requires a complete reformation and that these reforms need to essentially address empowering environmental, economical, societal, political, cultural and religious dynamics.

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Agriculture Sector

It is imperative to establish an ‘agriculture industry’ in Sri Lanka, through a streamlined process which ensures the protection of the environment, accommodating innovations addressing market and entrepreneurial conditions & climatic circumstances based science, technology & research.


Economy Sector

To lay the foundation to creating a flourishing economy by developing a bilateral economic agreement instigated through a study of how the Israeli economic process is empowered, and integrating its points of excellence into the Sri Lankan economy.


Health Sector

ISSOM envisages to guide and build social ideology required to rebuild the dysfunctional medical system of the country, through extending assistance to adapt Israel’s exceptional medicinal practices and advanced knowledge in science and technology vital for medical innovations.

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